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29 Shawwâl 1445, 10:51
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Started by Subul’us Salâm, 08.12.2022, 03:06

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Subul’us Salâm

QuoteAssalamu aləykum ve rahmətullahi ve bərakətuh ustadh.

1. Is joining the military forces of the tagut kufr known through asluddin or usuluddin?

2. Is joining the military forces of the tagut kufr known through fitrat or risalat?

Wa Alaykum. We would be pleased if you had introduced yourself. Terminologies, Asl'ud Dîn and Usûl'ud Dîn have the same meaning. This is due to the fact that the word Usûl is the plural form of the word Asl and means the fundamentals of the religion. Shaykh Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb Rahimahullâh explains Asl'ud Din as follows,

"The essence of the religion of Islâm and its principle consist of two directives:

1. The command of worshipping Allâhu Taâlâ alone without associating partners, encouraging this, basing the Muwâlât (collaboration) on it, and declaring Takfîr upon the one who forsakes it.

2. Warning against Shirk in Ibadâh (worship) to Allâh, being harsh regarding it, basing enmity upon it, and declaring Takfîr upon the one who acts upon it."

If you meant Asl'ud Dîn and Furû'ud Dîn in your question, regarding the fundamental and subsidiary issues of the religion Shaykh'ul Islâm Ibnu Taymiyyah Rahimahullâh said,

"The religion of Îmân, which is found in the heart with knowledge and status, is the Asl (fundamental). The outward actions are the Furû (subsidiary) issues, which are the perfection of Îmân. The religion is first built from its fundamentals and is perfected with its subsidiaries. Likewise, Allâhu Taâlâ revealed in Makkah the fundamentals of the religion from Tawhîd and examples which are logical measures, parables, expected rewards and punishments. Later, when the religion became stronger, He revealed the outward subsidiary issues in Madînah. These are the Friday prayer, congregation, Adhân, Iqâmah, Jihâd, fasting, and the prohibition of intoxicants, adultery, gambling and other compulsory and prohibited issues of the religion. The fundamentals of the religion support and stabilize the subsidiary issues. The subsidiary issues of the religion perfects and protects the fundamentals."2

As seen, Îmân found in the heart is Asl'ud Dîn. Kufr, which means denying Allâh, is the opposite of Îmân. Since soldiery for the Tâghût is Kufr and since denying Allâh is not from the subsidiary issues of religion, the issue is already clear, it corresponds with the fundamentals.

As for your other question, the subsidiary issues of the religion are related to the perfection of the religion and is known by way of Risâlah (prophets). In the Sharî'ah of the prophets, the subsidiary issues may vary. However, Kufr is Kufr in every Sharî'ah and era. The act of military service is also contrary to Îmân and is from the fundamentals of the religion since it means becoming a type of Tâghût and upholding the Tâghût and his lawmaking. All the Kawnî (universal) and Shar'î (religious) evidences reject an act that is contrary to Îmân. It is essential knowledge for one to become a Muslim to know and deny becoming a soldier for the Tâghût and being free from it.

Such matters are known by attaining proper knowledge regarding the religion of Allâh, and a person who knows the religion of Allâh would not ask such questions. Therefore, our advice to you is to learn the true religion of Allâh step by step. And Allâh knows best!

1- Ad-Durar'us Saniyyah, 2/22.

2- Majmû'ul Fatâwâ, 10/355-356.
"If the ignorant persists, gets haughty, is determined upon his transgression and misguidance, chooses blindness over guidance, and if what he falls into and disputes with regards to is Shirk Akbar (major Shirk) that brings the person who commits it out of the fold of the faction of Muslims to the party of polytheists, then in this case, the just verdict is the sword!" (al-Fath'ur Rabbânî min Fatâwâ'l Imâm ash-Shawkânî, 1/185)

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