Call to Tawhid

24 Dhu'l-Qa'dah 1445, 05:19


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Mentioning the View of the Imâm Abû Muhammad Abdullâh bin Sa'îd bin Kullâb, the Imâm of the Kullâbiyyah Sect

He was from the greatest of people with regards to affirming the attributes, the highness of Allâh, the aboveness of Allâh upon His Arsh, and rejecting the view of the Jahmiyyah. He is also the first who is known for rejecting the existence of the self-determined actions within the essence of the Rabb, and that the Qur'ân is a meaning that is existent within the essence of the Rabb and that the Qur'ân is upon four meanings.220

Abu'l Abbâs al-Qalânisî and Abu'l Hasan al-Ash'arî supported his path while Abu'l Hasan al-Ash'arî differed with him in some matters. However, al-Ash'arî is upon his path in regards to affirming the attributes, highness, and aboveness of Allâh upon His Arsh, as we will narrate his statements in verbatim, In Shâ Allâhu Taâlâ.

Ibnu Fûrak narrated in his book al-Mujarrad wherein he compiled the statements by Ibnu Kullâb,

"The one who says that Allâh is neither inside the universe nor outside of it has left the fold of intellectual speculation and the narrations. Thereby, he has outrightly rejected Allâh. This is because if he was told to describe Allâh with non-existence, he won't be able to say anything more. Such person has also denied the information provided by Allâh and has said something that is impermissible according to the textual proofs and intellect."221

Ibnu Kullâb then said, "Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam who is the chosen one of Allâh's creation and the best of His creation is the most knowledgeable of the creation regarding where Allâh is, and he approved the statement by the one who said that Allâh is in the sky and he testified that the one who said this is a believer, whereas Jahm bin Safwân and his companions do not allow asking the whereness of Allâh and deem it impossible to say where He is."222

Ibnu Kullâb said, "If this was a mistake, then Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam was the most deserving of rejecting it and he would have had to say to her, "Don't say this! You make a presentiment that Allâh is limited and that He is in one place while not being in another! However, instead of what you said, do say that Allâh is everywhere, since this is correct!"

Nay, Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam allowed this while knowing what it meant and that it is from faith, rather, it is an affair that necessitates faith for those who utter it. This is why Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam witnessed to her faith when she said it.

How can the truth oppose this while the Book has said and has testified to this, and this has been planted in the structure of the Fitrah and the knowledge of humans in a manner that nothing is clearer and more emphasized than this!

This is because, regardless of him being an Arab or non-Arab and a believer or disbeliever, whoever you ask saying, "Where is your Rabb," will say, "In the sky." He will clearly state this if he has a tongue or he will point with his hand or eyes if he is unable to speak but he will not point to other than the sky.

We did not find anyone who does not raise his hands towards the sky when he intends to supplicate. We also did not find anyone other than the Jahmiyyah who say upon being asked about his Rabb, "He is everywhere" as the Jahmiyyah say. Alongside this, they claim that they are the best out of the entirety of the people. Therefore, the intellects have been lost and the narrations are abolished but Jahm and the fifty men with him have been guided! We seek refuge in Allâh from the deviating trials."

Quotation from him ends here.223

220- This view of Ibnu Kullâb, described by Ibnu Taymiyyah Rahimahullâh to be necessarily known false according to the majority of the possessors of intellect from the people of Sunnah and Bid'ah, is against Ahl'us Sunnah. For a detailed explanation, refer to: Majmû'u Fatâwâ Shaykh'il Islâm Ahmad Ibni Taymiyyah, 12/162-234; Ibnu Abi'l Izz al-Hanafî, Sharh'ul Aqîdat'it Tahâwiyyah, Mu'assasat'ur Risâlah, 1/172-174; Ahmad bin Îsâ, Tawdhîh'ul Maqâsid, 1/266-268.

221- Ibn'ul Qayyim, Ijtimâ'ul Juyûsh'il Islâmiyyah, Dâru Atâ'ât'il Ilm, p. 433.

222- With similar wording in Ibn'ul Qayyim, Ijtimâ'ul Juyûsh'il Islâmiyyah, Dâru Atâ'ât'il Ilm, p. 435.

223- Ibn'ul Qayyim, Ijtimâ'ul Juyûsh'il Islâmiyyah, Dâru Atâ'ât'il Ilm, p. 435-436.

Then our Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâhu Taâlâ stated,

Quote"Those in opposition to this are of numerous types:

1- The worst type among them -with regards to being in opposition- is the one who opposes all of it."

Thus, he accepts Shirk and believes in it as a Dîn and rejects Tawhîd and believes Tawhîd is false, as is the state of the majority.

Its reason is ignorance regarding that which the Kitâb and the Sunnah denotes of knowledge of Tawhîd and what negates it from Shirk, taking a Nidd, and submitting to the desires and what the forefathers were upon. Such was the state of those before them who resembled them among the enemies of the Messengers.

Thus, they accused the people of Tawhîd with lying, falsity, calumny and mischief/immorality. Their reasoning was that we "found our fathers doing thus." (ash-Shu'arâ, 26/74)

This type among the people and those who came after this type have nullified what Kalimat'ul Ikhlâs indicates, what has been set for it, and what it comprises from the religion. This is the religion which Allâhu Taâlâ does not accept any other religion and it is the religion of Islâm with which Allâhu Taâlâ has sent all His prophets and messengers. Their call agreed upon it, as this is not obscure in what Allâhu Taâlâ narrated from them in His Book.

Then the Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâhu Taâlâ said,

Quote"2- Among the people are those who worship Allâh alone, however, neither rejects Shirk nor shows enmity towards its people."

I (Abd'ur Rahmân bin Hasan) say: It is among the well-known things that those who do not reject Shirk, neither knows Tawhîd nor actualizes it. You already know that Tawhîd would not be obtained without negating Shirk and rejecting the Tâghût mentioned in the verse.

Then the Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâhu Taâlâ said,

Quote"3- Among them are those who show enmity towards the Mushrikûn however do not declare Takfîr upon them."

Therefore, this type also does not actualize what La Ilâha Illallâh indicates; from negating Shirk and whatever it necessitates of declaring Takfîr upon those who act upon Shirk after the Bayân (establishment of the proof), by Ijmâ (consensus). This is encompassed in Sûrat'ul Ikhlâs and also the Sûrah,

"Say: O disbelievers!" (al-Kâfirûn, 109/1)

And His Taâlâ's statement in the verse of al-Mumtahinah,

"We have rejected you..." (al-Mumtahinah, 60/4)

Whoever does not declare Takfîr upon one whom the Qur'ân has declared Takfîr upon has opposed that which the messengers brought of Tawhîd and what it necessitates.

Then the Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâhu Taâlâ said,

Quote"4- Among them are those who neither love Tawhîd nor hate it."

The response is that whoever does not love Tawhîd cannot be a Muwahhid. This is because Tawhîd is the religion which Allâhu Taâlâ is pleased with for His slaves, just as Allâhu Taâlâ stated,

"And have approved for you Islâm as religion." (al-Mâ'idah, 5/3)

Thus, if an individual is pleased with what Allâh is pleased with and acts upon it; surely, he would love Tawhîd. Love is necessary, since Islâm cannot be acquired without love, therefore, there is no Islâm except with love for Tawhîd.

Shaykh Ibnu Taymiyyah Rahimahullâhu Taâlâ said,

"Ikhlâs (sincerity) is loving Allâh and wishing His face. Thus, whoever loves Allâh will also love His religion and whoever does not love Allâh will also not love His religion. [What] Kalimat'ul Ikhlâs [necessitates] from the conditions of Tawhîd is the consequence of love."

Then the Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâhu Taâlâ said,

Quote"6- Among them are those who neither hate Shirk nor love it."

I (Abd'ur Rahmân bin Hasan) say: Those who are as such do not nullify the Shirk nullified by La Ilâha Illallâh, and have not actualized what it necessitates of rejecting that which is worshipped besides Allâh and Barâ'ah from it. This person is by no means from Islâm, neither his blood nor his property is protected. Just as this is indicated by the above-mentioned Hadîth.

As for the Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâh's statement,

Quote"7- Among them are those who neither recognize Shirk nor reject it."

[I (Abd'ur Rahmân bin Hasan) say: Those who neither recognize Shirk nor reject it do not negate it.] Only those who negate Shirk, keep distant from it and from those who act upon it, and declares Takfîr upon them can be a Muwahhid. With ignorance regarding Shirk, nothing La Ilaha Illallâh is indicative of can be obtained.

Those who do not establish the meaning of this Kalimah and what it comprises have nothing to do with Islâm. This is because he has not established this Kalimah and what it comprises of Ilm, Yaqîn, Sidq, Ikhlâs, Mahabbah, Qabûl (acceptance), and Inqiyâd (compliance, submission). This type of people does not possess anything from these. Even if they utter La Ilâha Illallâh, they neither know what this Kalimah indicates nor do they know what this Kalimah comprises.

Then the Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâhu Taâlâ said,

Quote"8- Among them are those who neither recognize Tawhîd nor reject it."

So I (Abd'ur Rahmân bin Hasan) say: This type is similar to the one (mentioned) before it. These individuals do not pay attention to what they were created for, namely the religion Allâhu Taâlâ has sent His Messengers with. This is the condition of those regarding whom Allâhu Taâlâ said,

"They are but like cattle. Rather, they are even farther astray from the (right) way." (al-Furqân, 25/44)

The First Obligation Upon the Slave Is Knowing the Meaning of Lâ Ilâha Illallâh

Allâh Subhânahu obligated upon His slaves knowing the meaning of Lâ Ilâha Illallâh and knowing that there is no -true- deity -worthy of worship- except Him. Allâhu Taâlâ said,

"So know that there is no -true- deity -worthy of worship- except Allâh." (Muhammad, 47/19)

Al-Bukhârî interpreted this verse and said,

"Chapter: Knowledge is Before Statement and Action."27

Al-Bukhârî alluded to the fact that knowledge with regards to the meaning of Lâ Ilâha Illallâh is the first obligation. Statements and actions come after its knowledge.

Allâhu Taâlâ said,

"This Qur'ân is a message for the people that they may be warned thereby and that they may know that He is but one Deity." (Ibrâhîm, 14/52)

Allâhu Taâlâ did not say, "So that they say He is but one Deity."

Allâhu Taâlâ said,

"So, if they do not respond to you, then be assured that it has been sent down with the knowledge of Allâh and that there is no -true- deity -worthy of worship- except Him. So, do you submit?" (Hûd, 11/14)

Meaning: Know that there is no -true- deity -worthy of worship- except Him.

Allâhu Taâlâ said,

"And those they invoke besides Him do not possess (power of) intercession; but only those who testify to the truth (can benefit), and they know." (az-Zukhruf, 43/86)

The exegetes said, "Except those who witness to Lâ Ilâha Illallâh while they know in their hearts what they witnessed to with their tongues..."28

The Nabî Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam said,

"Whoever dies while he knows that there is no -true- deity -worthy of worship- except Allâh will enter Paradise."29

The scholars have deducted from these and similar verses that the first obligation upon people is knowing Allâh.

These verses indicate that the firmest of the obligations is knowledge with regards to the meaning of Lâ Ilâha Illallâh and that the greatest ignorance is deficiency regarding its meaning. This is because knowledge of its meaning is the firmest of what is compulsory, then ignorance regarding it is the greatest of ignorance and the ugliest of ignorance. 

27- Al-Bukhârî, Sahîh, 10th chapter of Kitâb'ul Ilm.

28- For similar explanations, refer to Ibnu Kathîr, at-Tafsîr, Dâru Taybah 7/243; al-Qurtubî, at-Tafsîr, 16/122.

29- Ahmad, Musnad, 1/509, Hadîth no. 464; with similar wording in Muslim, Sahîh, Hadîth no. 26.

Mentioning the View of Imâm at-Tahâwî, the Imâm of the Hanafîs of His Era in Hadîth, Jurisprudence, and Knowing the Statements by the Salaf

He said in his creed well known to the Hanafîs,

"Mentioning the explanation of the beliefs of Ahl'us Sunnah wa'l Jamâ'ah according to the Madhhab (school) of the jurists of the religion: Abû Hanîfah, Abû Yûsuf, and Muhammad (ash-Shaybânî), may Allâh be pleased with them:

We say concerning Allâh's unity believing in Allâh's success: Allâh is one, He has no partners. There is nothing like Him. He has always existed together with His attributes since before creation. The Qur'ân is the speech of Allâh. It came from Him as speech without howness. He sent it down to His messenger as revelation. The believers affirmed it upon this believing it as absolute truth. They know with certainty that the Qur'ân is, in truth, the speech of Allâh and it is not created. Anyone who hears it and claims that it is human speech has committed Kufr. The inhabitants of Jannah seeing Allâh is true, without their vision being all-encompassing and without the manner of their vision being known. Everything that came authentically from Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam regarding this is as he said and its meaning is what he intended. We do not delve into that, forcefully interpreting it according to our own opinions. The foot of Islâm is not firm unless it is based on submission and surrendering.

Anyone who desires to know what is prohibited and whose understanding is not content with surrendering, will find that his desire veils him from pure Tawhîd and authentic faith. Whoever does not guard himself from denying and Tashbîh will err and he will not achieve exalting Allâh from deficiencies."218

Until he said, "The Arsh and Kursî are true, as Allâh clarified them in His Book. Allâh is independent of the Arsh and what is beneath it. He has encompassed everything and is above them."219

He mentioned the remaining matters of creed.

[Tahâwî mentioned here is Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Salâmah al-Azdî. He was the leader of the companions of Abû Hanîfah in his era. He narrated from the companions of Ibnu Uyaynah and Ibnu Wahb. His books are well-known. He passed away in the year 321 H when he was 83 years old. May Allâhu Taâlâ have mercy upon him.]

218- At-Tahâwî, Matn'ul Aqîdat'it Tahâwiyyah, p. 31-44.

219- At-Tahâwî, Matn'ul Aqîdat'it Tahâwiyyah, p. 54-56.

Then the Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâh said,

Quote"2. Warning against Shirk in Ibadâh (worship) to Allâh, being harsh regarding it, basing enmity upon it, and declaring Takfîr upon the one who acts upon it."

So, the rank of Tawhîd is incomplete without this. This is the Dîn of the Messengers, they warned their tribes from Shirk, just as Allâhu Taâlâ states,

"And verily, We have sent among every nation a Messenger (proclaiming): Worship Allâh (Alone), and avoid (worshipping) the Tâghût." (an-Nahl, 16/36)

Allâhu Taâlâ said,

"We never sent a messenger before you except that We revealed to him: There is no -true- deity -worthy of worship- except Me, so worship Me (alone)." (al-Anbiyâ, 21/25)

Allâhu Taâlâ also said,

"And remember (Hûd) the brother of Âd, when he warned his people in al-Ahqâf. And surely, there have passed away warners before him and after him (saying): Worship none but Allâh!" (al-Ahqâf, 46/21)

(As for) the Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâhu Taâlâ's statement,

Quote"In Ibadâh (worship) to Allâh."

Ibâdah is a comprehensive name that covers everything Allâhu Taâlâ loves and is pleased with from the statements and actions which are hidden and apparent.5

(As for) the Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâhu Taâlâ's statement,

Quote"Being harsh regarding it."

This is present in the Kitâb (Book; Qur'ân) and the Sunnah, such as the statement by Allâhu Taâlâ,

"So flee to Allâh. Indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner. And do not make (as equal) with Allâh another deity. Indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner." (adh-Dhâriyât, 51/50-51)

Had it not been for "harshness," just as it was mentioned in the Siyar (books) in detail; the Quraysh would not have performed what they did from the severe damage towards the Nabî Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam and his companions. For verily, the Nabî Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam began addressing them by cursing their religion and condemning their deities.

(As for) the Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâhu Taâlâ's statement,

Quote"Basing enmity upon it."

Just as Allâhu Taâlâ stated,

"Then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush." (at-Tawbah, 9/5)

The verses regarding this are plenty, such as Allâhu Taâlâ's statement,

"And fight them until there is no more Fitnah and until all of the Dîn (religion) will be for Allâh Alone." (al-Anfâl, 8/39)

The "Fitnah" mentioned in the verse is Shirk.

Allâhu Taâlâ stigmatized the People of Shirk with Kufr (disbelief) in an unaccountable number of verses. Therefore, declaring Takfîr upon them is also unavoidable.

This is a requirement of La Ilaha Illallâh, Kalimat'ul Ikhlâs. Thus, its meaning is not complete without declaring Takfîr upon the person who unites a partner with Allâh in Ibâdah to Him Taâlâ. As it is mentioned in the sound Hadîth,

"Whoever says La Ilâha Illallâh and makes a denial of everything which is worshiped besides Allâh, his property and blood becomes inviolable, and his affair rests with Allâh."6

The statement by the Nabî Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam, "and makes a denial of everything which is worshiped besides Allâh" emphasizes negation. The blood and property of a person only becomes protected by means of this. So even if one doubts or hesitates regarding this matter, his property and blood are not protected.

Thus, these matters are the entirety of Tawhîd. This is because La Ilâha Illallâh is bound by heavy conditions in the Ahâdîth (pl. Hadîth); with Ilm (sacred knowledge), with Ikhlâs (sincerity), Sidq (truthfulness), with Yaqîn (certainty), and the absence/nonexistence of Shakk (doubt). Thus, one cannot become a Muwahhid except by assembling all of them and having I'tiqâd (belief) in it, acceptance of it, Muhabbah (love) for it, also having Mu'âdât (enmity) and Muwâlât based on it. So, this is achieved by piecing together what our Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâh had mentioned.

5- Majmû'u Fatâwâ Shaykh'il Islâm Ahmad Ibni Taymiyyah, 10/149.

6- Muslim, Hadîth no. 23; Ahmad, Musnad, 3/472.

شرح رسالة أصل دين الإسلام وقاعدته الأمر بعبادة الله والإنذار عن الشرك

The Explanation of the Pamphlet the Essence of the Religion of Islâm and Its Principle Consisting of the Command of Worshipping Allâh and Warning against Shirk2

Abd'ur Rahmân bin Hasan bin Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb Rahimahullâh3

In the name of Allâh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

The Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâhu Taâlâ's statement,

Quote"The essence of the Religion of Islâm and its principles consist of two directives:

1. The command of worshipping Allâhu Taâlâ alone without associating partners, encouraging this, basing the Muwâlât (collaboration) on it, and declaring Takfîr upon the one who forsakes it."

I (Abd'ur Rahmân bin Hasan) say: Its evidences in the Qur'ân are more than to be counted. Like the statement by Allâhu Taâlâ,

"Say: O People of the Scripture, come to a word common between us and you - that we will not worship except Allâh and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allâh." (Âl-i Imrân, 3/64)

Allâhu Taâlâ commanded His Nabî Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam to call the People of the Scripture (the Jews and the Christians) to the meaning of La Ilâha Illallâh (there is no -true- deity -worthy of worship- except Allâh) that which the Nabî called the Arabs and others to.

The word mentioned in the verse is La Ilâha Illallâh. Allâhu Taâlâ explained it with His statement, "that we will not worship except Allâh."

Thus, the meaning of La Ilâha is contained in His statement, "that we will not worship." And this is negation of Ibâdah (worship) to other than Allâh.

His statement "except Allâh" (Âl-i Imrân, 3/64) is the exception in Kalimat'ul Ikhlâs (statement of sincerity, La Ilâha Illallâh).

So Allâhu Taâlâ commanded the Nabî Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam to call them to restrict Ibâdah to Him Taâlâ alone and to negate Ibâdah from anyone/thing other than Him Taâlâ. The verses similar to this verse which clarify that adopting as Ilâh is Ibâdah (worship/servitude) and that it is inappropriate to direct anything of Ibâdah to anyone/thing besides Allâhu Taâlâ are many, as Allâhu Taâlâ said,

"And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him." (al-Isrâ, 17/23)

The meaning of "decreed" is that He Taâlâ commanded and recommended, in accordance with the two opinions, and both have the same meaning.

The meaning of Lâ Ilâha is contained in Allâhu Taâlâ's statement, "that you worship none."

The meaning of Illallâh is contained in Allâhu Taâlâ's statement, "but Him."

This is Tawhîd of Ibâdah (worship) which is the call of the messengers when they said to their tribes,

"Worship Allâh; you have no deity -worthy of worship- except Him." (al-A'râf, 7/59 and other verses)

Therefore, it is necessary to immediately negate Shirk in Ibâdah and to be free from it and from those who perform it. Just as Allâhu Taâlâ said regarding His Khalîl (intimate friend) Ibrâhîm Alayh'is Salâm,

"And (remember) when Ibrâhîm said to his father and his people: Verily, I am free of what you worship, except for He who created me." (az-Zukhruf 43/26-27)

So, it is necessary to be free from worshipping that which is worshipped other than Allâh. Allâh also said regarding Ibrâhîm Alayh'is Salâm,

"And I will leave you and those you invoke other than Allâh." (Maryam, 19/48)

Thus it is obligatory to turn away from Shirk and its people by performing Barâ'ah from both of them. Just as He Taâlâ made it evident in His statement,

"Indeed there has been an excellent example for you in Ibrâhîm and those with him, when they said to their people: Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allâh, we have rejected you, and there has started between us and you, hostility and hatred for ever, until you believe in Allâh Alone." (al-Mumtahinah, 60/4)

"Those with them," are the Messengers, just as Ibnu Jarîr (at-Tabarî) has mentioned.4
This verse includes all of what our Shaykh (Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb) Rahimahullâh has mentioned from encouraging Tawhîd, negating Shirk, showing Muwâlât towards the people of Tawhîd, and declaring Takfîr upon those who abandon Tawhîd by performing Shirk which negates Tawhîd.

For verily, the one who performs Shirk has abandoned Tawhîd, because both of them are opposites that cannot be united. So whenever Shirk exists then Tawhîd is negated. Allâhu Taâlâ stated the following regarding those who perform Shirk,

"And he sets up rivals to Allâh, in order to mislead others from His Path. Say: Take pleasure in your disbelief for a while: surely, you are (one) of the dwellers of the Fire!" (az-Zumar, 39/8)

Thus, Allâhu Taâlâ declared Takfîr upon him because he takes Andâd (pl. Nidd), which are partners associated in Ibadâh. The likes of these verses are many. So one cannot become a Muwahhid (monotheist) except by negating Shirk, performing Barâ'ah from it, and declaring Takfîr upon whoever performs it.

2- Majmû'at'ut Tawhîd, p. 47-54; ad-Durar'us Saniyyah, 2/202-211. We noted the differences in the copies in brackets when necessary.

3- The Imâm, Âlim, Allâmah, reference of the jurists and theologists, second Mujaddid, Shaykh'ul Islâm Abd'ur Rahmân bin Hasan Rahimahullâh, was born in Dir'iyyah in the year 1196 H. He took knowledge from many scholars, such as his grandfather Shaykh Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb, his uncles Shaykh Abdullâh, Shaykh Alî, and Shaykh Husayn, Shaykh Hamad bin Nâsir bin Mu'ammar, and Shaykh Husayn bin Ghannâm. Many from the Âl'ush Shaykh family, including his offspring and the offspring of his uncles, are among his students, some of which include his sons Shaykh Abd'ul Latîf and Shaykh Ismâ'îl, Shaykh Abdullâh bin Abd'il Latîf, and Shaykh Hasan bin Husayn. He educated many students such as Shaykh Hamad bin Atîq. May Allâh have mercy upon all of them. He authored many books and treatises. The most famous among these are:

Kitâbu Fath'il Majîd Sharh Kitâb'it Tawhîd.

Qurratu Uyûn'il Muwahhidîn Hâshiyatun ala't Tawhîd.

Kashfu mâ Alqâhu Iblîs alâ Dâwûd bin Jirjîs.

Kitâbun fi'r Raddi alâ Uthmân bin Mansûr.

He also is a coauthor of his uncle Abdullâh's book Refutation to the Zaydiyyah.

Verifying Shaykh'ul Islâm Ibnu Taymiyyah's View Regarding the Issues: The Excuse of Ignorance and Mu'ayyan Takfîr.

He has other refutations of Dâwûd bin Jirjîs and Uthmân bin Mansûr.

He also has many treatises and verdicts found in famous compilations such as ad-Durar'us Saniyyah and Majmû'at'ur Rasâ'il wa'l Masâ'il'in Najdiyyah.

He passed away on the 8th of Dhu'l Hijjah, 1285 H. May Allah have abundant mercy on him. Âmîn.

Concisely from ad-Durar'us Saniyyah, 16/404-413.

4- At-Tabarî, Tafsîr, 28/41.

أَصْلُ دِينِ الْإِسْلاَمِ

The Essence of the Religion of Islâm1

Muhammad bin Abd'il Wahhâb Rahimahullâh

The essence of the religion of Islâm and its principle consist of two directives:

1. The command of worshipping Allâhu Taâlâ alone without associating partners, encouraging this, basing the Muwâlât (collaboration) on it, and declaring Takfîr upon the one who forsakes it.

2. Warning against Shirk in Ibadâh (worship) to Allâh, being harsh regarding it, basing enmity upon it, and declaring Takfîr upon the one who acts upon it.

Those in opposition to this are of numerous types:

1- The worst type among them -with regards to being in opposition- is the one who opposes all of it.

2- Among the people are those who worship Allâh alone, however, neither rejects Shirk nor shows enmity towards its people.

3- Among them are those who show enmity towards the Mushrikûn however do not declare Takfîr upon them.

4- Among them are those who neither love Tawhîd nor hate it.

5- Among them are those who declare Takfîr upon the People of Tawhîd and claimed that Tawhîd is cursing the Sâlihûn (pl. Sâlih; righteous ones).

6- Among them are those who neither hate Shirk nor love it.

7- Among them are those who neither recognize Shirk nor reject it.

8- Among them are those who neither recognize Tawhîd nor reject it.

9- Among them -and it is the most treacherous type- are those who act upon Tawhîd, however do not recognize (comprehend) its value and neither shows hatred to those who forsake Tawhîd nor declares Takfîr upon them.

10- Among them are those who forsake Shirk and dislike it, however, neither recognizes (comprehends) the value (true nature) of Shirk nor shows enmity towards its people and do not declare Takfîr upon them.

These have opposed what the Anbiyâ (pl. Nabî; the prophets) came with from the Dîn (religion) of Allâh Subhânahû wa Taâlâ.

Wallâhu A'lam (and Allâh knows best)!

1- Ad-Durar'us Saniyyah, 2/22.
1445H / 1 JUMÂD'AL ÂKHIRAH 1445 H
Last post by Mudâfa’at’ut Tawhîd - 14.12.2023, 19:04

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
١ جُمَادَي الْآخِرَةُ ١٤٤٥


Tonight, on the 29th of Jumâd'al Ûlâ (14/12/2023), the Hilâl (crescent) of Jumâd'al Âkhirah 1445 H was observed and has been sighted by a group of Muwahhidûn around the globe.

«اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ، اللَّهُمَّ أَهِلَّهُ عَلَيْنَا بِالأَمْنِ وَالإِيمَانِ، ‌وَالسَّلَامَةِ ‌وَالإِسْلَامِ، وَالتَّوْفِيقِ لِمَا يُحِبُّ رَبُّنَا وَيَرْضَى، رَبُّنَا وَرَبُّكَ اللَّهُ.»
"Allâh is the Most Great!.. O Allâh, bring us the Hilâl (crescent moon) with security and Îmân (faith) with peace and in Islâm and in harmony with what our Lord loves and what pleases Him. (O Hilâl) our Lord and your Lord is Allâh!.." (at-Tirmidhî, Hadîth no. 3451; ad-Dârimî, Sunan, Hadîth no. 1729-1730)

Therefore, the 1st of the Month of Jumâd'al Âkhirah 1445 H will fall on 15/12/2023. And Allâh knows best.

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

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[Those Who Adopt the Graves as Places of Pilgrimage]

(Ibnu Taymiyyah Rahimahullâh said in continuation,)
"Due to them leaving the Sharî'ah, some of the elder Shaykhs in the sight of people whom the kings, judges, scholars, and commoners go to, are on the path of Ibnu Sab'în (669 H).140 It was narrated from Ibnu Sab'în that he would say, "The houses to which pilgrimage is performed to are three: Makkah, Bayt'ul Maqdis, and Buddha which belongs the polytheists in India." He said this because he believed that the religion of the Jews is true and the religion of the Christians is true.

Before he knew the reality of Ibnu Sab'în, one of our Ârif (gnostic) brothers went to him and said, "I would like to embark the path of Sulûk at your hands." Ibnu Sab'în said, "Upon the religion of the Jews, the Christians, or the Muslims?" He said to him, "Aren't the Jews and Christians disbelievers?" Ibnu Sab'în said, "Do not be harsh with them, but Islâm is more virtuous!"

Some of them prefer making pilgrimage to the graves above making pilgrimage to the House of Allâh. Others prefer making pilgrimage to the House of Allâh, but one of them says, "If you visit the Shaykh's tomb two or three times, it is like one pilgrimage."

Some people equate the Shaykh's grave with Arafât, they travel there in the time of its season, and come together there as the Muslims come together in the mosques to remember Allâh at Arafât, as this is done in the west and in the east.

Some of them deem travelling to the Mashhad and grave more virtuous than pilgrimage. One Murîd who had made seven pilgrimages to Allâh's Ancient House said to another Murîd, "Will you sell your visit to the Shaykh's tomb in exchange for seven pilgrimages?" He consulted his Shaykh, who said, "If you sell it, you will be defrauded!"

Some say, "Whoever circumambulates the Shaykh's grave seven times, then it is as if he has made one pilgrimage." Some say, "Visiting such and such cave three times is like a pilgrimage." Others have recounted a dead Shaykh saying, "Every step towards my grave is like one pilgrimage, and on the Day of Resurrection, I would not sell it in exchange for a pilgrimage." A person denied this, whereupon the devil appeared to him in the image of the Shaykh in his dream and rebuked him for denying it.

The prayers and worship of these and those like them are directed to other than Allâh, the Lord of the universe. They are not upon the religion of the Imâm of the Hunafâ (Ibrâhîm Alayh'is Salâm) and they are not of those who maintain the mosques of Allâh, regarding whom Allâhu Taâlâ has said,

"The Mosques of Allâh shall be maintained only by those who believe in Allâh and the Last Day." (at-Tawbah, 9/18)

Those who maintain the mosques of Allâh only have awe for Allâh, and those who maintain the Mashads of the graves have awe for other than Allâh and hope from other than Allâh. To the extent that when a person from the group of those who commit major sins who are not in awe of Allâh regarding the shameful deeds they do, sees the dome of the deceased or the crescent moon on top of the dome, he is in awe of committing abominations, and one of them says to his friend, "Shame on you! This is the crescent of the dome." They are in awe of one who is buried under the crescent, but they are not in awe of the One who created the heavens and the earth and made the crescents of the heavens appointed times for people and pilgrimage!

When these people are debated, they scare those whom they debate, as the polytheists did to Ibrâhîm Alayh'is Salâm. Allâhu Taâlâ said,

"His people disputed with him. He said: Do you dispute with me concerning Allâh while He has guided me? I do not fear those whom you associate with Him (Allâh) in worship. (Nothing can happen to me) except when my Lord wills something." (al-An'âm, 6/80)

Until the statement of Allâhu Taâlâ,

"So, which of the two parties has more right to be in security? If you but know." (al-An'âm, 6/81)

Then, Allâhu Taâlâ said,

"They who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice - those will have security, and they are guided." (al-An'âm, 6/82)

Others deem the deceased to be a deity, and the living Shaykh who is devoted to him a Nabî. Fulfilling needs and removing distress is sought from the deceased, while what the living deems lawful is taken lawful and what he deems unlawful is taken unlawful. It is as if in themselves, they have deposed Allâh from taking Him as a deity, and they have deposed Muhammad Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam from taking him as a messenger!

Recent converts to Islâm, those who follow them thinking well of them, or others may come to them wanting from the deceased Shaykh to either repel the harm of a king who wants to oppress him or something else. Then, he enters upon the custodian of the grave and says, "I told the Shaykh, and the Shaykh tells this to the Nabî Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam, the Nabî Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam tells this to Allâh, and Allâh has already sent a messenger to the sultan so-and-so!" Is this not the pure religion of the polytheists and the Christians? There are such lies and ignorance in this that not a single polytheist or Christian would deem them permissible and spread these.

They eat the vows made to the graves, what is given as a vow, and the things that come with the vows, that which is included within the scope of the statement by Allâhu Taâlâ,

"Verily, there are many of the rabbis and the monks who devour the wealth of mankind in falsehood, and hinder (them) from the way of Allâh." (at-Tawbah, 9/34)

They turn away from the way of Allâh and prevent others from it, for their subjects believe that this is the way and religion of Allâh. For this reason, they refrain from entering the true religion which Allâh sent His messengers and revealed His books with."141

140- Ibnu Kathîr Rahimahullâh said regarding Ibnu Sab'în,

"Ibnu Sab'în, Abd'ul Haqq bin Ibrâhîm bin Muhammad bin Nasr bin Muhammad bin Nasr bin Muhammad bin Sab'în, Qutb'ud Dîn Abû Muhammad al-Maqdisî ar-Ruqûtî, ascribed to Ricote, a town near Murcia (in Spain). Ibnu Sab'în was born in the year 614 H. He engaged in the science of the ancients and philosophy. Thereby, a type of deviation occurred in him and he classified works on this subject. He knew the science of Simyâ (alchemy). By means of this knowledge, he deceived some foolish emirs and rich people. He would deem this to be a condition of the nation. Among his works are Kitâb'ul Buddi and Kitâb'ul Huwa. He resided in Makkah. He overcame the mind of Abû Numayy, the emir of Makkah. According to what was narrated from him, some times, he used to enter into seclusion in the cave of Hira hoping that revelation would come to him as revelation came to the Nabî Sallallâhu Alayhi wa Sallam therein based on his false belief that prophethood is acquired and that prophethood is Allâh's suggestion which He suggests to the intellect when it is purified. If he died upon this belief, he only attained disgrace in this world and the hereafter. When he saw those circumambulating the Ka'bah, he would say, "They are like donkeys circling around the wheel." He would say that if they circumambulated him, it would be more virtuous than them circumambulating the House (of Allâh). Allâh will pass His judgement on him and those like him. Some grave words and deeds have been narrated from him. He died in Makkah on the twenty-eighth of the month of Shawwâl (the year 669 H)." (Ibnu Kathîr, al-Bidâyah wa'n Nihâyah, thq. At-Turkî, 17/497-498)

141- Ibnu Taymiyyah, al-Istighâthah fi'r Raddi ala'l Bakrî, p. 306-309.
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